Mandatory informations on public funding: State aid and de minimis aid received by our Company are included in the "Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato referred in Article 52 of Law No. 234/2012", available at the link below:
POR FESR 2014-2020 action 1.1 sub-action a1 – Tender notice 2 ““Research and development projects of the MPMI”.
“LAYER 3” project
The aim of the Layer 3 project is the prototype development of an electronic device called "Layer 3 Switch for train ETHERNET network". The prototype is equipped with new generation processors ("Packet Processors") capable of speeding up by three orders of magnitude (compared to current capacity) the process of filtering, analysis and routing of data packets that are transferred over an ETHERNET network installed on board the train.
Eligible Expenditure: EURO 702.209,59
Contribution granted: EURO 266.836,18
POR FESR TOSCANA 2014 – 2020 -ACTION 3.1.1. Sub-action 3.1.1a3) “Aids aimed at containing and contrasting the epidemiological emergency COVID-19”. Tuscany Investment Fund – Investment Aid.
“Process Innovation” project
The project provides for:
Eligible Expenditure: EURO 153.574,87
Contribution granted: EURO 79.351,11
POR CREO 2014-2020 Contribution by the European Regional Development Fund Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 Action 1.1.2 Announcement A "Support to MPMI for the acquisition of innovation services".
“Value Chain Management” Project
The project is addressed at providing the company with a flexible and effective tool to control all production, supply chain, and after-sales operations, in order to improve the existing document management process. This project is expected to lead to reduced processing times, increased production efficiency and profit margins.
POR CREO 2014-2020 Contribution by the European Regional Development Fund Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 Action 3.4.2 sub a) "Internationalization of the regional production system: export aid manufacturing MPMI" and Action 3.4.2 sub b) "Internationalization and promotion on foreign markets of the MPMI tourist offer system “Incentives to purchasing of support services to internationalization of SMEs operating in the manufacturing sectors, aimed at granting subsidies to support Tuscany’s export and the promotion on foreign markets of the Tuscan tourist offer system”.
"VDS Rail Track USA 2.0" Project
The project aims at improving the distribution of VDS Rail’s products on the USA and Canada markets. Specific actions and marketing activities will be undertaken (e.g. VDS Rail's participation in INNOTRANS International Exhibition) in order to find potential business partners for the North American market.
POR FESR 2014-2020 Contribution of the European Regional Development Fund Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 Activities 1.3.a - Call for DGR 1232/2017 “Incentives to companies for collaborative industrialresearch activities and experimental development”.
"ALL FOR ONE" Project
This project aims at developing a prototype of Ethernet Switch for deterministic-type applications. This prototype is expected to bring together the benefit of using a standard and widespread technology (Ethernet) and the necessity to ensure that the data transfer is made within a defined term. A new architecture will be developed, incorporating the latest innovations of the Ethernet standards introduced by the TSN task group.
Eligible expenditure: EURO 168,967.67
Contribution granted: EURO 92,932.22
POR FESR TOSCANA 2021 – 2027 - ACTION 1.3.1. “Support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) export”
“Internationalization and Sustainability” Project
The project aims to:
Eligible expenditure: EURO 87,208.20
Contribution granted: EURO 37,708.28
DPREG N.127 / Pres. dated 11/10/22 – 2022-2023 announcement - Intervention aimed at promoting Internationalization
“Internationalization 2022” Project
The project aims to:
Eligible expenditure: EURO 168,032.78
Contribution granted: EURO 67,178.56